
We are using shared OneDrive folders to collect ABET materials.

Below is the link to the shared folder. You need to login with UConn email and (NetID) passowrd. Let us know if you have trouble accessing the link.

Link: ABET Materials 2020 Spring

The following three folders are where we will upload files/materials. If you have questions, please let us know. We are happy to meet with you to discuss the process and hear any suggestions from you. Although the the ABET committee has assigned courses to individual members (as listed below), feel free to discuss with any of us.

Steve: 4940 and 3000

Jerry: 3100 and 3504

Files/Folders Descriptions
Spring 20 Excels Upload spreadsheets for assessing CLOs.
Spring 20 CARs Upload CARs after data are collected.
Spring 20 Course Materials Upload course materials and student work samples.